Edulog #1
in Notes
- Vege JMK - dynamic map showing raw data + GitHub repo with data
- static map showing preprocessed data (Proof of concept)
I shall continue on the preprocessed one, it reflects the reality better.
Last week I learned
- how to create maps using uMap, plenty of clicking and some fun included.
- how to use GitHub Actions to deploy static website to a branch that is then served.
- what is quick sort and how to implement it in Python.
- how does the .spec file look like. RPM packages are created from them.
- about the ways some communities work and why do they part their ways when business comes into scene. Inspired by the story of HegdeDoc, once derivate of which I use a lot.
- I can't estimate development time well. It took me around 5x more to create the first map than I expected.
- a lot of various stuff from club. I wasn't sure I'll benefit from there, I am.
I intend to purchase the access once I start getting paid again :)
Plans and hopes
- listen to the story of ownCloud CTO who forked his repo and started Nextcloud
- check out the Fall of civilizations podcast